Sunday, November 1, 2009

Raspberry Tart Anyone?

Wow - after such a long time, I imagine you are wondering if i have fallen off the wagon!

I have not fallen off - just been really, really busy, but I come back to you with a fresh focus and plan to keep trying to update this blog on a more regular basis - AND to start doing some of the sketch/colour challenges that are out there - in a plan to kick start my creativity!

So where have I been you ask - busy teaching dance classes, chasing my 3 kids here there and everywhere, trying desperately to get my house organised (but that is a failed effort!) and preparing for Zachary's 2nd birthday party! We celebrated yesterday with a GREAT day out riding the mini Thomas trains at Vicary's Winery. Zach was very excited and kept tooting "choo-choo" most of the day. It isn't his actual birthday for another week, but with dance competitions and rehearsals, this was the only free day we will have for a while!

Chit-Chat aside - here is my lastest class offering. My next class focusses on the Raspberry Tart patterned papers and the gorgeous colour combination of Kiwi Kiss, Regal Rose and Rose Red. Pictured below are just a few of the cards we will be making - you may notice a repeat of some very popular designs from my previous classes, yet they look so very different with this different colour combination.

Here are the class details:

When - Saturday 21st November 7pm
Tuesday 24th November 10am - 1.30pm. (repeat class)

Where - my house in Penrith

Cost - $25 includes materials for 6 different cards, envelopes and refreshments

What to Bring - Please bring your choice of adhesive, a paper trimmer and a good pair of detail cutting scissors.

Each class is limited to 6 participants. Please contact me by phone or email to reserve your place!

Stay tuned for LOTS more card posts and even some scrapbook pages!

1 comment:

  1. Hi love your cards how did you make the flowers on the first card they look so pretty .
    Thanks Michelle
